Abstract Submission

Participants are invited to electronically submit original, unpublished research contributions or experience reports not concurrently submitted elsewhere.

All abstracts must be 400-500 words long and written in English. The submission format for full paper shall follow the IEEE template. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed to maintain high quality presentations. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Only papers, presented at the conference by one of the listed authors and duly registered for the conference, will be retained in the conference proceedings.
Abstracts must include title and authors (first name surname), and indicate the presenter by underlining the name and providing that author’s contact details: affiliations, department, full address (street, city, state/province, and country), telephone, fax, and Email. Selected keywords are also required to be included in submitted abstract.This would be beneficial for your papers to be assigned to proper conference sessions.

The submission system will open in late February, 2025.

Full Paper Submission 

Please first download Manuscript Templates for preparing papers for conference proceedings. The length limit of the full paper is 6 pages, but at least 4 pages, in the format of the template. Please strictly follow the template to prepare your paper, otherwise, the paper would be rejected.

Instruction for validation and final submission of camera-ready papers could be found HERE.

Attention publishing authors! Only accepted papers that are registered, written in the required 4-6 pages full paper IEEE format, submitted by June 5, 2025, and presented by one of the authors at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore.

Please read these instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure that the review and publication of your paper are as efficient and quick as possible. The editorial team reserves the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with these instructions.